The towns of Jimma, Nekemte, and Harar are beneficiaries of the Second Urban Water Supply and Sanitation, funded by the World Bank. This project targets the development of an Integrated CityWide Sanitation Plan (CWIS), feasibility study, and detailed design of liquid waste management systems. On July 4th, 2023, the technical staff of MS Consultancy; the Clients; town representatives; and personnel from the World Bank came together to discuss and comment on the submitted draft detailed design of liquid waste management for these three towns. The workshop, held at Addis Ababa’s Washington Hotel, had limited its scope of work to medium and long interventions.

For each town, the  Consultant gave presentations that focused on selected design options and criteria for both design horizons (medium and long terms). The technical staff explained how each of its chosen options and design criteria would have better outcomes. Amongst the presented interconnected components of CWIS, designs of sewer line connections and wastewater treatment plants constituted core elements of the presentations. Moreover, the presentations covered the process of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to decrease the complexity and requirements for electromechanical equipment. 

Overall, the workshop was fruitful as it enabled all parties to come to an understanding on updating submitted draft Detailed Design reports to produce a comprehensive document that will constitute a robust foundation for future development.

This release was published on 05 Jul 2023. For more information, please contact MS Consultancy plc.